No matter the roof type you have, there is always a product solution to fit your home. Not all these methods are priced the same. For instance on a copper roof the price can really go up! You have to be sure that you have the correct attachment method that is approved to be installed on your roof type. If it not an approved method for your roof type, then it will cause all sorts of problems later and cost you lots of money to fix it.
Copper roof Kukio Hawaii
Utility tie in Kukio Hawaii |
When it comes to solar projects, there is a vast amount of companies to choose from. They all have a preferred method of installation and all have certain equipment that they like to use. As you would expect not all companies are created equal nor is the equipment they install on your home. Do your research before you hire a solar company to install your project. Solar can be a big investment and you should get the best installation possible with good equipment. If you shop around you will find the right company for your job at a competitive price.
Kukio Hawaii |
Kukio Hawaii |
Kukio Hawaii |